America Offline is a group of people who is trying to get or let other people who cant afford the Internet, it helps them actually get Internet when they need it. This group travels and helps people like that. That mostly all. Other thing American offline does is that people are suffering from " digital divide ", and that what this group of adults are trying to prevent. Millions of people are suffering from it and they are trying to stop it. They want all of the world to be apart of the Internet thing.
Digital Divide would impact the student very bad. Digital divide isn't something that we want as students. If we had digital divide it would be really hard for us to look up information or just to communicate through Internet. If we didn't have Internet theres really nothing any of us will have cause if you think bout it, mostly everything is made by technology.
Unequal Access hmm it would be really tough for us in the future. What would we really have if we didn't have stuff like that. We do need Internet for school, jobs, and to just entertain. And allot of people have jobs and if you don't have Internet if you need it for your ob your pretty screwed.
Innovators like if we didn't have the Internet we wouldn't learn much like at all. We would become all dumb and crap, then there would be a world of dummy's. We wouldn't be smart to the people that do have computers and technology and what not. Other ways we could get access is to move to somewhere that does have Internet.
Final recommendations like the government giving us money or someone that would donate money to us that do need Internet. That would be really nice and we would have Internet if they do give us the money or like the president.
Well we could do allot we cans tart fundraisers so that we can get money and then afford the Internet or whatever we need to get Internet. we can make it ourselves or like invent something greater then computers, or something that we all can to to help each other get Internet.
To use the Internet in a good way not in horrible ways. like invasions or like saying mean things bout someone use it in a positive way.
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